Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Believe Me

So i'm back and you can eat your heart out.
There's isnt much to say but a lot to point out.

I will ignore negativity because i choose to.
I hate negativity so if you wanna bring it here, to MY blog, think again.
No one is shallow enough to layan someone so simple minded.

Life has been a roller coaster. Mostly fun and amazing but sometimes it can get bumpy.
I am thankful it hasn't been bad.
It's just... hectic. If you know what i mean.

I just want to get something of my chest.
I am not lost, blinded or wrong when it comes to my faith.
Just because i'm not screaming it out at the top of my lungs,
doesn't mean i shall stand back and keep quiet when someone points out so.
I have my beliefs, i am a proud Islam.
And if you were one, you wouldn't have time to be spiteful and mean.
If you were a true believer, you wouldn't have time to be so shallow.
Best way to show your true ways, be the best version of yourself.
Be someone everyone else looks up to.
No one wants to listen to street rat.
Just saying.

Cant take the honesty, walk away.
I'm back and i'm not gonna sugar coat anything for anyone anymore.

Loves! ;)

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